'working for maximum success for each individual'

BTEC Media Studies

We follow the BTEC Tech Award, Level 1/2, Creative Media Production specification which offers pupils the opportunity to engage with analytical and creative media work. Lessons include:

  • Taught skills
  • Workshops
  • Report writing
  • Practical production

Pupils analyse a variety of texts: film, advertising, television and videogames; and have the chance to create short films of their own, re-imagining texts to present to new audiences.


Pupils can achieve a BTEC Tech Award from level 1, Pass, or Merit to level 2 Pass, Merit, or Distinction.


We teach this BTEC course because it offers a broad range of qualification outcomes that can be used to help access further education courses and it has a mix of analysis and creativity that suits our pupils. Putting them in front of and behind a camera, using creative planning processes and engaging with texts that they are largely already familiar with, although have perhaps not studied formally.
