'working for maximum success for each individual'

About Our School

The Gateway School serves the town of Northampton, and the South and West of Northamptonshire.


We are a 63-place school for 11 – 16 year-olds with statements of special educational needs describing their behavioural, emotional, and social needs. It is part of the Creating Tomorrow Partnership, a trust of special schools and colleges in Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Luton.


We boast an extremely effective and high-quality staff team who show great dedication and commitment to the achieving the school’s aim of ‘working for the maximum success for each individual.’  There is a strong work ethic and desire to accomplish the best outcomes for students, and staff work unstintingly towards this aim.


We have been a Strategic Partner to Fairfields Teaching School Alliance since April 2012 and presently have thirty-five schools in our alliance, a mixture of Primary, Secondary, Mainstream and Special. Collectively we are supporting 20 School Direct Students through their training each year and are working with Northampton University as our Higher Education Institute.


The school building and organisation were designed to support students in their learning and the staff in managing behaviour. The evidence of the effectiveness of this is that 84% of our students made good to outstanding progress last academic year and we have achieved increases in Average Points Scores and the range and number of accreditations we provide for over ten consecutive years.


The most important people in our school are the students and primarily, we want every child to achieve to the very limits of their potential, wherever their abilities and challenges may lie. We want to help our young people become citizens who, by the time they leave us, can succeed in all they do and make a positive contribution to society and their communities.

