'working for maximum success for each individual'

Student Voice

As we have a whole-school assembly at the beginning of every day, it is possible for us to canvass student opinion easily.


Assemblies are often used to garner students’ views about a range of subjects including school uniform, fundraising events, who to raise money for, what type of activities would help motivate pupils to succeed and so on. In addition to these consultative assemblies we have a School Council.


The School Council is made up of a student representative from each class and a staff representative. Depending on their availability we also involve a representative from the Governing Body.


The School Council gives more detailed consideration to matters such as those listed above but will also make firm recommendations such as a desire to move over to a web-based rewards system.


We also complete a student questionnaire seeking students’ views about their school. These are overwhelmingly positive and make a valuable contribution to how we assess how well we are doing. We regularly engage students in staff recruitment and, as always, their valuable input is given careful consideration.
