Our young people deal with issues which directly affect their ability to deal with social and emotional issues effectively and/or to positively balance their mental health. We are committed to helping them to prepare for adulthood and life outside of school. We aim to do this by enabling them to learn how to deal with setbacks, challenges, and successes more effectively and appropriately. This is despite the fact that many of our young people may have struggled in the past with more formal learning environments due to such conditions as ADHD or ODD for example. Alternatively, they may have experienced significant trauma, deprivation and or neglect in their formative years leading to attachment issues.
We want them to be successful as the result of a balanced, well thought out, holistic curriculum, implemented with a clear intent by a team of committed professionals. This includes the pastoral elements of our offer.
We want them to learn how to do this via our six core themes, developing the abilities to: